VIRAL: Teach For Nigeria Seeks A New Cohort of Promising Teacher-Leaders

Teach For Nigeria Seeks

Teach For Seeks A New Cohort of Promising -Leaders


Teach For Nigeria (TFN), a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing education inequities by building a movement of leaders from diverse academic fields to teach in underserved communities as full-time teachers, has launched applications for its eighth cohort of fellows.

The Teach For Nigeria fellowship is a two-year paid commitment that mobilises fresh graduates and professionals as Fellows to make a meaningful impact on the lives of children. Fellows harness their leadership skills while designing solutions to address the everyday struggles of placement schools and communities. Prior to  their placement, each cohort participates in an intensive six-week pre-service training. The training exposes fellows to the organization's theory of problem and change, its vision, mission, and core values.  Fellows are also trained in 21st-century teaching pedagogy, leadership, and entrepreneurship while undergoing a community immersion experience.

In their classrooms, fellows not only get a chance to teach but also deepen their understanding of the challenges facing the education sector in Nigeria, engage  and work collectively with the community stakeholders to change the trajectory of children in their placement communities. The fellowship goes beyond just improving ' literacy and numeracy skills; it is a chance for the Fellows to teach today and shape the future of countless children in low-income communities.Since its inception, TFN has recruited, trained, and placed at least 1500 exceptional young leaders in over 600 schools in , Kaduna, Ogun, and Oyo states. The organization has also impacted over 300,000 students and boasts a growing network of 835 alumni.

Teach For Nigeria Seeks

Teach For Nigeria is also part of the Teach for All Network, a growing group of locally-led, independent organizations in over 60 countries with the shared purpose of expanding educational opportunities for children worldwide.

Fellowship Benefits And Eligibility Criteria

The Teach For Nigeria 2024 Fellowship offers a wealth of benefits and requires specific eligibility criteria. Applicants must be nationals aged between 18 and 35, have completed their service on or before July 2024, and hold a degree with at least second-class honours. Accepted fellows will receive a gross monthly stipend of N94,990 for two years, including the holidays. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to pursue a Professional Diploma in Education program through a . Fellows will gain access to mentors and continuous professional development, enabling them to design and execute social change projects while benefitting from mentorship and networking opportunities with professionals across various industries.


The Teach for Nigeria Fellowship selection process has multiple rounds of applications for each cohort. An applicant can apply only once for any cohort. The application involves essay writing, an aptitude test, a telephone interview,  group assignment, and a physical assessment, including a mock teaching session. The 2024 fellowship application  closes on March 29, with  the application outcome and  next steps  communicated via email.

Teach For Nigeria SeeksTeach For Nigeria Seeks


You can apply for the Teach for Nigeria Fellowship here:


Speaking at the recruitment launch event, Folawe Omikunle, the Chief Executive Officer of Teach for Nigeria stated, “Fellows commit two years to transforming academic and non-academic outcomes for the children during the fellowship. After the two-year fellowship, they continue to unleash their leadership towards addressing the barriers and issues  identified while in the fellowship.”

On the opportunities available for Fellows after the two-year program, Folawe noted, “A number of our alumni have now launched social enterprises, leading successful and growing social enterprises and social impact organizations.   We also have some of them  working in policy, while others transitioned into working with the government.”

Odedeji Gbeminiyi Abisola, a TFN alumna and panelist at the recruitment launch, said, “I went to the Teach For Nigeria pre-service institute as Mrs. Odedeji but came back as a brand new teacher-leader. The fellowship changed the trajectory of my professional journey, helping me to see beyond the four walls of the classroom.”

Speaking on the kind of support he received as a Fellow, Kazeem Abdulrasak, an alumnus of the fellowship and one of the panelists stated, “The support I receive at Teach For Nigeria started even before I resumed in the classroom. Teach For Nigeria gave me the platform to become part of a community of committed people.”

Olukoya Tititobiloluwa Praise, a Teach For Nigeria recounted how her teacher uses video clips and charts to teach and how she learned politeness from her teacher.

The theme of this year's fellowship is “Teach Today, Shape Tomorrow: Your Leadership Matters Now!” targeting young leaders committed to tackling the country's most difficult challenge and unleashing the potential of all Nigerian children. Interested applicants are encouraged to visit to apply.

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