Health – HenzoDaily

CBD may help fight UVA radiation to protect skin

CBD may help fight UVA radiation to protect skin

CBD may help fight UVA radiation to protect skin …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestNew research suggests that CBD may help protect the skin against sun damage. Anton Petrus/Getty ImagesResearchers have demonstrated that CBD may have potential protective benefits against UVA radiation, the type of wavelength that can cause aging and lead to cancer.A … Read more

Type of fiber found in oats may help improve blood sugar

Type of fiber found in oats may help improve blood sugar

Type of fiber found in oats may help improve blood sugar …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestNew research finds that a type of fiber called beta-glucan can have weight loss benefits. michael vorberg/Getty ImagesConsuming a diet with adequate fiber is associated with maintaining a healthy weight.An animal study recently investigated which form of fiber … Read more

Why some people are more resistant to cognitive decline

Why some people are more resistant to cognitive decline

Why some people are more resistant to cognitive decline …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestNew research studying multiple brain regions identifies why some people are more resilient to Alzheimer’s. Jasmin Merdan/Getty ImagesA study from MIT reveals new insights into the cellular and circuit vulnerabilities in Alzheimer’s disease.The study also identified factors that might help … Read more

Air Pollution Could Increase Psoriasis Risk Significantly, Study Finds

Air Pollution Could Increase Psoriasis Risk Significantly, Study Finds

Air Pollution Could Increase Psoriasis Risk Significantly, Study Finds …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Key Takeaways Exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 significantly increases the risk of developing psoriasis.People with a genetic predisposition to psoriasis face more than four times the risk when exposed to high levels of air pollutants.Experts say those with a strong family history … Read more

More people without diabetes use drugs for weight loss

More people without diabetes use drugs for weight loss

More people without diabetes use drugs for weight loss …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestAn increasing number of people without diabetes are using GLP-1 agonist drugs for weight loss only. Image credit: MarkHatfield/Getty Images.The last few years have seen a marked increase in the use of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 agonists) used for … Read more

‘Supermodel granny’ drug extends lifespan by 25% in mice

'Supermodel granny' drug extends lifespan by 25% in mice

‘Supermodel granny’ drug extends lifespan by 25% in mice …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestScientists are testing a drug that increased the lifespan and health of aging mice. BONNINSTUDIO/StocksyScientists have discovered that deactivating a protein called IL-11 can extend the healthy lifespan of mice by nearly 25%, raising the potential for similar benefits in … Read more

Excess belly and arm fat may increase risk

Excess belly and arm fat may increase risk

Excess belly and arm fat may increase risk …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestResearch has found that carrying excess fat in certain body parts may increase the risk of dementia or Parkinson’s. LaylaBird/Getty ImagesNeurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are increasing worldwide.Studies suggest that people with obesity are at greater risk … Read more

Why do some people get slower results from exercise?

Why do some people get slower results from exercise?

Why do some people get slower results from exercise? …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestFor some people, exercise alone may not help lose weight as fast as others, research indicates. Jaap Arriens/NurPhoto via Getty ImagesRegular physical activity plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight. Some people lose more weight than others through … Read more

Moderate drinking brings no benefits

Moderate drinking brings no benefits

Moderate drinking brings no benefits …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> Share on PinterestModerate drinking does nothing to boost longevity, and it may harm health, new research finds. Image credit: yrabota/Getty Images.Moderate alcohol consumption has previously been associated with potential health benefits, including reduced mortality risk.However, recent research suggests that these findings were flawed and, compared to … Read more
