My husband lied about his hardcore porn habit and it’s ruining our sex life

My husband lied about his hardcore porn habit and it's ruining our sex life

My husband lied about his hardcore porn habit and it’s ruining our sex life …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> DEAR DEIDRE: MY husband lied about watching hardcore porn and now it’s ruining our sex life.  Whenever we try to be intimate, I see the images he viewed in my head, and it makes me feel sick.  … Read more

My girlfriend is too much – she got drunk and hit me over the head

My girlfriend is too much - she got drunk and hit me over the head

My girlfriend is too much – she got drunk and hit me over the head …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>> DEAR DEIDRE: MY girlfriend is passionate and opinionated, which I love. I’ve never wanted a pushover for a partner. But lately I’ve found her too much. It feels like we are so often at loggerheads and … Read more