Ogun: Suspected kidnapper rapes, machete 17 years old girl to death

Ogun: Suspected kidnapper rapes, machete 17 years old girl to death …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

The Ogun State Police Command on Monday confirmed the death of 17-year-old Habeebah Akinsanya who was allegedly kidnapped in the Kemta area of the state.

The deceased was reported missing by her father, Akinsanya Aremu, a So Safe Corps, to the Kemta Police Division at about 9:30pm on Friday.

Habeebah, a student at Lisabi Grammar School in Abeokuta, will be entering SS3 on September 16 and turning 17 in October.

DAILY POST reports that the Habeebah was found raped before being macheted to…


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