Drama Unfolds as Pastor Catches Veekee James & Husband Kissing Outside Church, Calls Them ‘Mumu’

Drama Unfolds as Pastor Catches Veekee James & Husband Kissing Outside Church, Calls Them ‘Mumu’ …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

Massive reactions have trailed a video of Veekee James and her husband, Femi Atere, that is circulating the internetIn the clip, it could be seen that Veekee James’ pastor, Bolaji Idowu, walked in on the top Nigerian designer and her husband making out just outside the churchThe man of God did not seem so surprised, however, his comment left many online users in stitches

Despite recurring backlash from online trolls, Veekee James and her husband have been very open about their…


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