Akmodel Group MD, Felicitates With Workers On May 1st- Newsone

Akmodel Group MD, Felicitates With Workers On May 1st

, Felicitates With Workers On May 1st- Newsone …CONTINUE READING HERE >>>

MD, Blder (Dr.) , in the spirit of the season, celebrates all the workers for their contributions to the world.

Odegade said many industries rely on dedicated workers who put in long hours of physical or mental labour. Nurses and doctors work tirelessly to care for the sick. Farmers toil in the fields to cultivate crops that nourish the world. The employees of the factory work diligently to manufacture our daily use products. The realtors who made sure that their clients got the best out of the real estate world etc

“Therefore on this Labour Day, we honour and appreciate the sacrifices that workers make to earn a living and provide for their families. We celebrate their work, their , and their commitment to their professions and craftsmanship. Their endless efforts, skills, and hard work create a world we live in. They deserve our respect, and appreciation, not just today, but every day.”

“So Happy Labour Day to our employees, customers, and partners and a happy new month of May too,” he concluded.

Newsone understands that Akmodel Group consist of Akmodel Homes and Properties, , and .

They also have landed properties in Lagos, Uyo, Ibadan, Awka, , , Enugu, Ghana etc, Cote d'Ivoire and loading.


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