Frank Talk On Speed

Frank Talk On Speed …C0NTINUE READING HERE >>>

He is a transporters’ transporter. The media hails him, while industry watchers commend him. I adore him not just for the high stakes he stands for in the transport sector but also for his Hollywood looks. His name is Frank Nneji, the chief executive officer of Associated Bus Company Transport.

Some years ago, I was meditating on the chances of my favourite Premiership team, Arsenal, when the 2012 Premiership season commenced. For a couple of seasons running, critics had described us as the most unpredictable side in the English Premiership. Sometimes, they say we lack character.

But during the 2013 season, we were dubbed the most improved yet unpredictable side. Our story has been a win today, a loss tomorrow, another loss and maybe a draw. I was still in dreamland, pondering over our fate and the fear of not having the miracle player – Robbie Van Persie – lace his boot for the Gunners, when my phone jerked me up with a call from Frank Nneji.

After pleasantries and some encouraging words in my column, he appealed to me to do something on speed. That is why I am doing this piece this week, which was first published in 2012. It is an old piece and I must confess that a lot has happened after the piece was last published.

My darling Arsenal is no longer dubbed a club without character. We are no longer the win today, lose tomorrow, draw and draw club. In fact, we are now the team to beat. I forgot the talisman called Pep Guardiola, the Man City coach who has remained our albatross for some seasons running, always denying us the coveted trophy and relegating us twice to the second position. We no longer boast of the Van Persie but Gabriel Martinelli, Bukayo Saka, Martin Odegard, Gabriel Jesus, Riccardo Calafiori, Ben White, Leandro Trossard and Kai Havertz, among other top-notch players.

The WHO material publication was forwarded to me by Frank as proof of his concern over excessive speed by a handful of motorists. The World Health Organization and the World Bank in their joint publication listed excessive speed as one key area that we must focus on. I am sure you will find it interesting as I run the material for your reading pleasure.

Speed-Speed has been identified as a key risk factor in road traffic injuries, influencing both the risk of a crash as well as the severity of the injuries that result from crashes. Excess speed is defined as exceeding the speed limit. Inappropriate speed is defined as driving at a speed unsuitable for the prevailing road and traffic conditions. Excessive and inappropriate speed is responsible for a high proportion of the mortality and morbidity that result from road crashes. In some low-income and middle income countries, speed is estimated to be the main contributory factor in about 50 percent of all road crashes. Controlling vehicle speed can prevent crashes from happening and can reduce the impact when they do occur, lessening the severity of injuries sustained by the victims.

So, how does speed affect traffic collisions? According to the publication, the higher the speed of a vehicle, the shorter the time a driver has to stop and avoid a crash. A car travelling at 50km/h will typically require 13 metres in which to stop, while a car travelling at 40km/h will stop in less than 8.5 metres. It further notes that an increase in average speed of 1km/h typically results in a three percent high risk of a crash involving injury, with a 4-5 percent increase for crashes that result in fatalities.

Speed also contributes to severity of the impact when a collision does occur. For occupants in a crash with an impact speed of 80km/h the likelihood of death is 20 times what it would have been at an impact speed of 30km/h. The relationship between speed and injury severity is particularly critical for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists. For example, pedestrians have been shown to have a 90 per cent chance of survival when struck by a car travelling at 30km/h or below but less than a 50 per cent chance of survival at an impact at 45km/h. Pedestrians have almost no chance of surviving an impact of 80km/h

What factor affects speed? Drivers speed choice is influenced by a number of factors that can be considered as driver-related factors. These include age, gender, alcohol level and number of people in the vehicle. Those related to the vehicle and the road include road layout, surface quality, vehicle power and maximum speed, while traffic and environmental factors include traffic density, composition, prevailing speed and weather conditions.

What can be done to mitigate the adverse effect of speed? A number of interventions have been identified to be effective in the management and control of vehicle speed. Setting and enforcing speed limits are two of the most effective measures for reducing road traffic crashes and injuries.

Studies suggest that a 1 km/h decrease in travelling speed would lead to a 2.3 percent reduction in road crashes. Experience in many countries has shown that the introduction of speed limits will only have a short-lived effect on reducing speed unless accompanied by sustained, visible enforcement of these limits.

Speed cameras are highly cost-effective means of reducing road crashes. In some countries, speed limits are posted that vary according to weather, traffic conditions and time of day. This ensures that speed limits are responsive to local conditions and traffic circumstances and are therefore more likely to be kept.

Speed limits can also be affected by developing safer infrastructure. This can involve modifying the road environment to reduce traffic flow and vehicle speed, thereby protecting against crashes and reducing injuries. Such measures include segregating high- and low-speed road users or discouraging vehicles from entering certain areas.

Traffic calming measures have been widely used to reduce crashes frequently in many high-income countries. These include installing physical speed-reducing measures such as roundabouts and vertical changes in the road(such as road narrowing or rumble strips). Proven traffic calming measures can be particularly useful where enforcement of speed control laws may be ineffective.

The transition from high-speed to low-speed roads can create areas of high risk for crashes, such as where vehicles exit the motorway. Design features can be used to mark transition zones on busy roads approaching towns and villages that can influence drivers’ speed. Slower speed zones and roundabouts are examples of features that are useful in reducing vehicle speeds.

Appropriate speed can be imposed on traffic through design features that limit the speed of vehicles itself. Legislation can be used to encourage the use of such features. This is already being done in many countries with heavy goods vehicles and coaches, and is estimated to contribute to a two percent reduction in the number of injury crashes. Corresponding action is needed for cars and other light vehicles. WHO recommends that member countries set and enforce speed limits appropriate to the functions of specific roads.




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