Contents of 2,000-year-old scroll badly burnt by Mount Vesuvius revealed for the first time using incredible technique

Contents of 2,000-year-old scroll badly burnt by Mount Vesuvius revealed for the first time using incredible technique

AN ANCIENT scroll that had nearly turned to charcoal in the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79AD may be about to have its secrets revealed. After 2,000years, the contents of the scroll can be seen once more after scientists used a combination of X-ray imaging and artificial intelligence… Contents of 2,000-year-old scroll badly burnt … Read more

Horrifying ‘roasted planet’ has ‘torture’ event every 111 days where Nasa says ‘nightmare alien world boils to 1,100C’

Horrifying ‘roasted planet’ has ‘torture’ event every 111 days where Nasa says ‘nightmare alien world boils to 1,100C’

AN alien world “suffers star-grazing torture” every 111 days as its fiery sun boils the planet to a hellish 1,093C. This brutal event has led to Nasa branding it “the roasted planet”, as the space agency revealed the horrifying conditions on distant HD 80606 b. 4 HD 80606 b flies in for a brutal… Horrifying … Read more

Stunning pink lake is one of the world’s DEADLIEST – it hides a mysterious secret that turns animals to ‘stone’

Stunning pink lake is one of the world's DEADLIEST - it hides a mysterious secret that turns animals to 'stone'

IT is widely regarded as one of the world’s most beautiful lakes – owed to its unique reddish pink colour. But tourists must not swim in it, and the water is so harsh that it can turn animals to ‘stone’. 8 An aerial view of Lake Natron, TanzaniaCredit: Alamy 8 Its pink hue is a … Read more

$1m prize offered to decipher 5,300-year-old ancient script and unlock secrets of lost civilisation shrouded in mystery

$1m prize offered to decipher 5,300-year-old ancient script and unlock secrets of lost civilisation shrouded in mystery

SCIENTISTS are offering someone $1 million if they can solve a mystery from the Bronze Age. Researchers have long been trying to solve an ancient script from the Indus Valley Civilisation that existed between 5,300 and 3,300 years ago. 7 Ruins of the archaeological site of Harappa, Indus Valley… $1m prize offered to decipher 5,300-year-old … Read more

Mystery Martian hills found on Mars sparking hope ‘time capsule’ mounds will solve biggest mystery from 4BILLION yrs ago

Mystery Martian hills found on Mars sparking hope 'time capsule' mounds will solve biggest mystery from 4BILLION yrs ago

MYSTERY hills have been found on Mars sparking hopes scientists can solve the planet’s biggest mystery from billions of years ago. The Red Planet is dotted with thousands of mounds containing billions of years worth of history including if Mars ever had water. 5 Mysterious mounds have been found on… Mystery Martian hills found on … Read more

Ancient stone with mystery carvings from 1,700yrs ago found in Biblical region where Jesus ‘walked on water’

Ancient stone with mystery carvings from 1,700yrs ago found in Biblical region where Jesus 'walked on water'

A MYSTERIOUS stone carved nearly 1,700 years ago has been unearthed in a region rich with Biblical history, where Jesus is said to have walked on water. The volcanic slab, inscribed with Ancient Greek, may rewrite what we know about the Roman Empire’s reach — and the towns it controlled. 5 An… Ancient stone with … Read more

Africa is splitting apart at surprising speed and could create new ocean as deep as the Atlantic, experts warn

Africa is splitting apart at surprising speed and could create new ocean as deep as the Atlantic, experts warn

AFRICA is splitting apart at double the speed than scientists first thought. A 35-mile-long crack in Ethiopia’s desert, first discovered in 2005, has been widening by half an inch per year. 7 Women work on their farm near a chasm suspected to have been caused by a heavy downpour along an… Africa is splitting apart … Read more

Final moments of Pompeii revealed as gas and ash turned locals to glass and 16,000 people were buried across two days

Final moments of Pompeii revealed as gas and ash turned locals to glass and 16,000 people were buried across two days

HISTORIANS have mapped out a minute-by-minute account of the final moments in Pompeii as gas and ash transformed locals into glass. A staggering 16,000 people were buried during one of the deadliest volcanic events in history, and researchers now understand what happened during those 32 hours of… Final moments of Pompeii revealed as gas and … Read more

Nearby alien planet with ‘weather patterns like Earth’ hides deadly secret that would obliterate anything landing there

Nearby alien planet with 'weather patterns like Earth' hides deadly secret that would obliterate anything landing there

AN ALIEN planet with traces of water and “complex weather patterns like Earth” might be seen like a good contender for a Planet B. But it would be impossible for us humans to survive there. 2 These violent gales move at nearly six times the speed at which the planet rotates – a characteristic that… … Read more

Moon is just a chunk of the Earth and not mainly part of an ancient planet as previously thought, scientists claim

Moon is just a chunk of the Earth and not mainly part of an ancient planet as previously thought, scientists claim

THE moon is just a chunk of the Earth and not mainly part of an ancient planet as previously thought, scientists claim. Experts had believed our satellite was created when hypothetical body Theia hit our planet 4.5 billion years ago. 1 The moon is just a chunk of the Earth, says scientistsCredit:… Moon is just a … Read more