My GP said there was ‘no way’ I could have cancer at 24 – now I’m creating memoies for my 4 kids with 3 months to live

My GP said there was 'no way' I could have cancer at 24 - now I'm creating memoies for my 4 kids with 3 months to live

ASHLEIGH Ellerton was given just three months to live after being told she was “too young” to have breast cancer.

“I had to go home to tell my children, I remember them screaming,” the now 29-year-old recalled.


Ashleigh Ellerton has been told she had three months to liveCredit: SWNSA bride and groom pose for a photo with their four children.


The mother…

My GP said there was ‘no way’ I could have cancer at 24 – now I’m creating memoies for my 4 kids with 3 months to live …C0NTINUE READING >>>>

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