I transformed my beaten-up £3,500 hatchback into a head-turner with bargain buys from Temu – including sleek colour wrap

I transformed my beaten-up £3,500 hatchback into a head-turner with bargain buys from Temu - including sleek colour wrap

A PETROLHEAD has completely transformed a beaten-up hatchback into a head-turner – thanks to some bargain buys.

YouTuber Hood Stig picked up an Audi RS4 for the bargain price of £3,500 at a car auction, before pimping it out with a selection of budget-friendly parts from online megastore Temu.

I transformed my beaten-up £3,500 hatchback into a head-turner with bargain buys from Temu – including sleek colour wrap …C0NTINUE READING >>>>

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